The limit value switch, for the connection of a temperature resistor Pt100, is suitable for supervising process temperatures in all fields of industry.
The limit value switch GWA is conceived for assembly on rail fastening acc. to DIN EN 50022 – 35. Due to the integrated wide input power supply for supply voltages from 20…253V AC and DC, the limit value switch is suitable for using in all current international energy supply networks.
The activation of the device is signalled by a front sided integrated green LED.
The signal of the temperature resistor Pt100, that should be supervised, is compared with the set limit values after internal processing. The 2 limit values can be set in the range from 0…99% in steps of 1% by front sided pushwheel switches.
Dependent of the set function the corresponding relay switches at underrun or at transgression of the limit value. Front sided integrated red LED signals the activated state of the corresponding output relay.
Inside the housing the input signal or the relay function can be setted by dip switches: